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Date: 6 Oct 2021

Do you prefer to use - or _ in your file names?

- is quicker to type, but _ looks better imo (plus consistency with names in programming)

Use Underscore for the simple reason that the Hyphen is a character used in certain words, as well as when descibing dates.

Undersocres because it’s sort of annoying if you make a type and get a file name super-file then try to do a shell command on it. The -file can get read as an option unless you use quoting.

The technical terms for this is Shell Expansion and Globbing.

Bash itself cannot recognize RegEx, Inside scripts, it is commands and utilities – such as sed and awk that interpret RegEx’s. Bash essentially tends to glob and expand on elements that are typically used in filenames or in regular expression, in the instance they don’t have encapsulation.

Example: File is named -rf cd /homedir rm -rf (ohshit) You deleted your home directory ;_;


rm ./-rf

(a-ok) You just deleted the -rf file :-)